The earliest windmill in the town, which was mentioned in deeds of God’s House Hospital (1225) as already existing, stood “between the sea and the marsh”. Pelham thinks that it ranks amongst the earliest windmills in the country. It probably occupied a shingle spit on the line of modern Regent Road and was replaced c.1612 by a mill “on the Old Bulwarks”, i.e. in the vicinity of Canute Road.
There are 13th and 14th century references to windmills in Fulflood, an area on the western shore north of the Bargate. One of these may be the mill which gave its name to Windmill Lane (see above), and a second was apparently added nearby in 1305. Both were recorded in 1400-1.
A windmill on Castle Hill is depicted in 18th century prints. It had a short life and was later converted into a summerhouse.

Windmill on Castle Hill

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William Stukely’s engraving Trausantum of 1723, showing a windmill on Castle Hill.

see also

Further reading:
Old Mills of Southampton, by R. A. Pelham. (HS/p)


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