Talbot House (image 1) in Brunswick Square was designed and built by Architect Herbert Collins in 1932. It was built for the Toc H organization to provide accommodation for young seamen when they were in town, on leave or awaiting a ship. It was built in a restrained neo-Georgian style on a very long and narrow site. In the 1950s the adjoining buildings were demolished and Talbot House was modernized and extended by architect Percy Tutte. It has since been converted to apartments and is now called Talbot Court (image 2).

1. Talbot House

Image Unavailable

The entrance to Talbot House in the 1950s.

2. Talbot Court

Image Unavailable

Photograph, c.2005

see also

Further reading:
Herbert Collins 1885-1975: Architect and Worker for Peace, by Robert Williams, p52. (HS/i)


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