A speculative time sequence of early quays may be presented somewhat as follows:
1) At the Roman settlement of Clausentum. It was probably situated in the vicinity of
modern Bitterne Manor, near Hawkeswood Road.
2) The quay of the Saxon settlement of Hamwic. It was in the vicinity of modern
Chapel Road.
3) Castle Quay was an exclusively royal quay from the 11th century. It was situated outside the castle on the western shore adjacent to the Castle Vault.
4) A private quay existed on the shore between Simnel Street and ‘the Gravel’ in the
11th and 12th centuries.
5) Private quays existed between Porters’ Lane and Winkle Street in the 12th century.
6) A quay serving God’s House Hospital near what later became the Platform was established in the 13th century.
7) West Quay was the town’s most important public quay in the medieval period. It
stretched from Biddle`s Gate to the southern end of Bugle Street. Opposite the West
Gate was a pier-like projection which was the busiest part of the quay.
8) Town Quay, opposite the Water Gate, was a public quay from the 14th century.

The two last named replaced the private quays after the construction of the seaward walls, and were frequently and considerably enlarged.


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