Midanbury House
Sometimes called Midanbury Lodge, this was a late 18th century residence, first recorded on a map of Hampshire in 1791. It was situated approximately on the east side of Midanbury Lane near the junction with Thorold Road. Its earliest known occupant was John Norse, but it was owned for a time in the early 19th century by merchant Michael Hoy, eventually passing to the Barlow-Hoy family and then to the Middleton Family of Townhill Park. It was demolished in the mid-1930s.

Midanbury Castle
Midanbury Castle (image below) was the lodge to Midanbury House (or Midanbury Lodge). The ‘castle’ is probably early 19th century and was originally just a small house, the castellation and towers being added later. It is claimed to be a copy of the much-imitated lodge to Blaise Castle, near Bristol.

It was situated at the junction of Woodmill Lane and Midanbury Lane, but was demolished in the early 1920s to make way for a housing development. The Castle Inn was on the site until 2012, when the building became a Tesco Express.

Midanbury Castle

Image Unavailable

Photograph, c.1904

Newspaper clipping:

Further reading:

The Story of Bitterne Park, by John Edgar Mann, p16-17.
'The Grosvenors of the Gateway', by John Edgar Mann in Hampshire, Vol. 34, No. 3, January 1994, p18-19. (H/y)
'Middanbury Castle and the Repton Connection', by John Edgar Mann in Hampshire, Vol. 31, No. 6, April 1991, p19-20, (H/y)
Lost Houses of Southampton, by Jessica Vale. (HS/i)
‘The Country Houses of Southampton’, by Jessica Vale in Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society, volume 39, 1983, p175-6, 184. (HS/i)//


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