The firm of Lankester and Crook, originally called Lankester's and then Lankester and Spencer, was founded by Augustus Lankester (1831-1913) in c.1860. Augustus was the grandson of Henry Blomfield Lankester and cousin of William Goddard Lankester of the firm of ironfounders and ironmongers (see below). Their first store was in Obelisk Road, Woolston, but they soon expanded and had many branches in the Southampton region, and a bakery, Alexandra Bakery, in Woolston. The shops sold groceries, wines and spirits, household goods and contained a post office. The firm continued to trade until the 1980s.

Lankester & Crook, Obelisk Road, Woolston

Image Unavailable

Photograph, c.1896, from "A Descriptive Account of Southampton - Illustrated"

See also:

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Further Reading:

Descriptive Account of Southampton Illustrated. P55-57. (HS/a)


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