This cinema, sometimes called the 'Kings' opened in January 1914 as the Kingsland Picture Palace. Situated on the south side of Kingsland Square, its exterior had a mock-Tudor frontage with three fake gables; its interior resembled a large shed. Being located next to the town's busiest market meant that it was always popular, both as a place of entertainment and as a meeting place. It was bombed during the Blitz of 1940 and remained an empty shell until the site was cleared in 1955.

Kingsland Cinema, Kingsland Square

Image Unavailable

Photograph, c.1940

Further reading:

The Big Show: British Cinema Culture in the Great War 1914-1918, by Michael Hammond, see index. (HS/r)
Dream Palaces: Going to the Pictures in Southampton, by Bill White, p19. (HS/r)


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