This orphanage was founded in 1837 by Dr. and Mrs. Lindoe, initially in a house in Kingsland Place but was later (1840) in larger premises in Albion Place. Guidebooks of the 1840s refer to it as “a small asylum for female orphans, well supported and superintended by benevolent ladies”. In 1853 the asylum moved to Park Road (now King’s Park Road) with a rear entrance in Asylum Road, which was then little more than a lane off the south side of Bellevue Road. Asylum Road was named after the orphanage, (not after nearby Asylum Green) although it does not appear as such in local street directories until 1950. It was known locally as Asylum Lane in the 19th century. Later extensions allowed the Hampshire Girl’s Orphanage (as it was renamed) to house 90 girls by 1930. The girls were evacuated to the New Forest during World War Two. After the war the building was used as a health clinic and later accommodated the Citizens Advice Bureau and the Marriage Guidance Council before being demolished in the late 1970s.

Further reading:

More Stories of Southampton Streets, by A. G. K. Leonard, p59-61. (HS/h)

External links:


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