Barclay's Bank, 171 High Street
Baths and Bathing Stations ( Spa Period)
Bedford Cottage, 55 Bedford Place
Bedford House, 77 Bedford Place
Beehive Buildings and Beehive Court
Belmont House, Belmont Place and Belmont Villa
Belvidere Congregational Chapel
Bencraft, Sir Henry William Russell
Bitterne Park Congregational Church
Bitterne Park Methodist Church
Blechynden and Blechynden Station
Blue Plaques and Memorial Plaques
Boundary Brook and Boundary Hall
Brewhouse Court and Brewhouse Lane
Brewhouse Court and Place, Northam
Brikstewoldes Land (and variants)
British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC)
Bull's Head Inn, French Street
Burnaby, Colonel Frederick Gustavus
Butchers' Shambles (and Meat Markets)
Byri Hyrne (‘The burh corner’)
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